Gun Turret

Using Unity 2021.3.27f1 and Visual Scripting 1.8.0. The project is using the 2D Core template.

Download the graph: GunTurret.asset

The gun turret is composed of a few parts that needs explanation for the script to work properly.

The Gun Turret game object, is just an empty game object.

The Head is a child of the Gun Turret and should be facing in its local Z direction (Unity’s forward).

The Bullet should be a child of the Head and should also be facing forward - local Z. The bullet has a Collider and a Rigidbody, since we will let the physics simulation handle the bullet once it is fired. The mass of the bullet is higher than the cubes, to make a bigger impact.

Note: The rotation of the head is not limited in any way. This means it can potentially shoot straight up or down.

In addition, the script uses a Layer Mask to filter which game objects it detects. In this example, the stacked cubes are set to the Player layer (you need to add this yourself). You can use any layer you would like, just be sure to also set it in the Graph variables.